Guidance for Hindu Mandirs and charities

A general election has been called to take place on 4th July 2024, and many charities will see this as an opportunity to highlight the issues faced by their beneficiaries. Charities can take part in political activity that supports their purpose and is in their best interests. However, charities must follow the law when doing so.

By adhering to these guidelines, Hindu Mandirs and Charities can play an active role during the General Election while ensuring they remain compliant with legal requirements. Here is the guidance note for Hindu Mandirs and Charities on what are the activities allowed and not allowed in view of the General Election.

Register to Vote

ActivityAllowed or Not Allowed
Encourage people to register to vote emphasising the importance of participating in the democratic process.Allowed
Provide information on who is eligible, how to register to vote, including deadlines and procedures.Allowed
Publish posters or information about Register to Vote on the noticeboards.Allowed
Use social media and email newsletters to spread awareness.Allowed

Hindu Manifesto 2024

ActivityAllowed or Not Allowed
Promote Hindu manifesto on the notice boards.Allowed
Distribute the Hindu Manifesto 2024 among community members spreading awareness.Allowed
Use social media and email newsletters to spread awareness about the manifesto.Allowed
Share the Hindu manifesto 2024 with the candidate visiting you.Allowed

Hindu Husting

ActivityAllowed or Not Allowed
Organise, host, or permit your venue to host Hindu hustings, ensuring all major party candidates are invited and given opportunity to participate.Allowed
Organise, host, or permit your venue to host hustings with only one political party or candidate and not inviting or giving opportunity to other candidates.Not Allowed

Get Out To Vote

ActivityAllowed or Not Allowed
Encourage the community to vote, emphasising the importance of participating in election, the democratic process.Allowed
Sharing information about postal voting and Proxy voting to increase voting.Allowed


ActivityAllowed or Not Allowed
Promote or oppose one particular candidate or a political party.Not Allowed
Endorsing any political party or a candidate.Not Allowed
Canvassing directly or indirectly for a political party or a candidate.Not Allowed

Collaboration with Other Organisations

ActivityAllowed or Not Allowed
Collaborate with other Hindu organisations to increase and improve the political engagement of the community. Maintain the charity’s independence and ensure collaborations do not imply political endorsements.Allowed
Partnering with Political parties or organisations having a clear political affiliation or agenda or to a specific candidate or a political party.Not Allowed

Social Media

ActivityAllowed or Not Allowed
Sharing or posting a single political party manifesto or candidate posters on Notice boards or on Social Media. No publication should be seen as biassed either towards or against any political entity.Not Allowed

Funding or fundraising

ActivityAllowed or Not Allowed
Charity resources including funds, staff time, and premises to be used for political party campaigning.Not Allowed
Funding the non-selective Hindu hustings involving all major political parties is allowed. E.g. providing Mandir facility as a venueAllowed
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