Voting is not just our right but our duty, our Dharma.


Hindus for Democracy

The Hindu community in the UK comprises more than 1 million people, contributing significantly to the UK economy through taxes, healthcare, education, and business. We are hardworking, self-sufficient, and well-behaved citizens. However, despite our achievements, we lack a unified voice in shaping policies and legislation. We are underrepresented in media, academia and politics. We have to recognise the importance of politics, even though it’s often considered a taboo topic in our community. It’s time for change.
The upcoming UK General Election on July 4, 2024, presents a crucial opportunity. Let’s make our voices heard, hold candidates accountable, and actively participate in shaping our nation’s future. It’s not just our right—it’s our duty.

Join us in building a stronger, politically engaged Hindu community in the UK. Together, we can create a better future for ourselves, our children, generations to come and the wider society.

What is this initiative about?

The UK General Election is scheduled for July 4, 2024. In the UK Hindu communities, politics is often considered a taboo subject. Many do not exercise their right to vote, while others vote out of loyalty to a particular party without considering the broader implications for themselves, their community, and the nation.

Hindus make up approximately 1.7% of the total population, more than 1 million people according to the 2021 Census for England and Wales. Despite our small numbers, we make significant contributions to the UK economy through taxes and to the National Health Service (NHS) through our roles as doctors, nurses, engineers, and other staff. Our businesses provide employment for tens of thousands of people.

We excel in education, with the majority of UK Hindus pursuing further and higher education. Our hard work has led to us becoming self-sufficient, independent, and affluent. Furthermore, we are one of the most law-abiding communities, making up less than 0.3% of the UK prison population.

Our community groups and organisations thrive and succeed, reflecting our religious sects (sampradays), states, regions, and languages. However, despite our success and achievements, we have yet to unite as a cohesive Hindu community with a strong UK-wide presence.

While we have integrated into the UK society, we have not fully integrated into the UK system where policies are made, legislation is passed, and narratives are shaped. We lack a meaningful voice to contribute to shaping the future of this country.

Inspite our significant contributions, we are underrepresented and often misrepresented in education, academia, media, and politics at local and national levels. Hindus are frequently targeted, maligned and vilified without adequate defence or correction.

Politics is a field where we can make a substantial impact, yet we remain one of the least politically engaged communities.

Living in a democracy gives us the privilege to vote for our representatives and the future of our country, but we seldom exercise this right.

This must change. Our community needs to engage with the political system, to have a seat at the table to shape and influence the future of the country. This future affects not only us but also our children and future generations.

Voting is not just our right but our duty, our Dharma.

The upcoming general election is a crucial opportunity to make our voices heard. We need to show parliamentary candidates that our votes cannot be taken for granted and must be earned.

We have expectations from our representatives to address our interests, which align with the UK’s progress. We seek fair representation, recognition of our contributions, and an understanding that Sanātan Hindu Dharma is an asset to the UK.

On July 4th, go out and vote!

Organisations presenting the Hindu Manifesto UK 2024

in alphabetical order

BAPS Swaminarayan Sanstha UK

A worldwide Hindu organisation rooted in the Vedas and dedicated to the service of society

Chinmaya Mission UK

Their motto is to give the maximum happiness to the maximum number of people for the maximum time.

Hindu Council UK

Hindu Council UK was founded in 1994 for all Hindus domiciled in the United Kingdom

Hindu Forum of Britain

HFB is the largest umbrella body for British Hindus with more then 300 member organisations from around the country

Hindu Forum of Europe

The Forum works to cohesively share and promote the European values of interfaith, friendship and peaceful coexistence.


HMN works to increase networking, cooperation and collaboration between Hindu mandirs in the UK

Hindu Swayamsevak Sangh (UK)

HSS has been instilling the ethos of hard work, good morals and selfless working for over 50 years in the UK


A social movement dedicated to raising awareness, advocating and campaigning for the causes that concern and impact the British Hindu & Indian communities in the UK


ISKCON includes 500 major centers, temples and rural communities and millions of congregational members worldwide

National Council of Hindu Temples UK (NCHTUK)

An umbrella body of Hindu temples in the United Kingdom

National Hindu Students' Forum (UK)

NHSF(UK) provides Hindu students at universities across UK a safe place to explore their Hindu identity, cultivate their key values, and develop into future Hindu ambassadors.

The National Council of Hindu Priests UK

NCHPUK is to promote the Hindu religion (HINDUISM) and advancement of education for Hindus

World Council of Hindus UK (VHP UK)

VHP UK is raising awareness, providing sewa for those in need, working with other faith groups, training priests, etc.

Scottish Hindu Foundation

Scottish Hindu Foundation is dedicated to preserving and promoting the vibrant tapestry of Hindu culture in Scotland

And many other organisations


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